Liberty Resources

A. T. Jones
The Rights of the People
This book is a most able defense of liberty, a compelling depiction of civil government and religion, from both biblical and historical perspectives. With application to current issues, it establishes freedom of conscience from key American legal documents, shedding light on the intersection of faith and freedom. It is an indispensible guide to understand the true meaning of liberty and the separation of church and State.

Percy T. Magan
The Peril of the Republic of the United States of America
Never was a republic founded on better principles, immortal principles—freedom of conscience and religious liberty. These were solidly sewn into the fabric of the U. S. Constitution. But, however great the Constitution and its principles may be, they can only stand if the people willingly choose to uphold them. A government by the people can never rise higher than the people themselves. In this book, Magan vividly shows how the principles that made America the defender of liberty were already being violated in his days. What would he say of today? Can we afford to lose religious liberty and freedom of conscience?

A. T. Jones
Political Speeches and Debates of Lincoln and Douglas
This book contains all the important speeches of “The Giants” from 1854 to 1861, giving a full history of the Slavery Question and the great constitutional questions involved, from the beginning of the nation to the outbreak of the Civil War. Though the great Civil War is a thing of the past, the principles over which the war was fought will live till the national life is extinct. The vital question of that day and of today is whether “government of the people, for the people, by the people” should remain or be destroyed.

A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner
The American Sentinel
Devoted to the defense of American Institutions, the preservation of the United States Constitution as it is, so far as regards religion or religious tests, and the maintenance of human rights, both civil and religious. It will ever be uncompromisingly opposed to anything tending toward a union of Church and State, either in name or in fact.

A. T. Jones
Christian Patriotism
Christian patriotism, loyalty to the law and government of the Most High, is the loftiest aspiration that can ever come to any soul. The separation of religion and the State is one of the most important questions that any people can ever be called upon to consider in connection with Christian patriotism; because the union of religion and the State has marked the greatest apostasies from God, and has caused more misery than any other thing in all history.

A. T. Jones
Civil Government and Religion
Learn the relation that should exist between civil government and religion, according to the words of Christ and the American Constitution:
“The subject is always interesting and important, and as there is now a persistent demand being made for religious legislation, especially in relation to Sunday-keeping, this subject has become worthy of more careful study than it has ever received in this country since the adoption of the national Constitution.”

A. T. Jones
Religious liberty promoter
A. T. Jones was a champion in the defense of religious liberty and freedom of conscience. Being a prolific writer, his books abundantly set forth the true principles established in the US Constitution.

E. J. Waggoner
Religious liberty promoter
E. J. Waggoner was deeply involved in promoting religious liberty and freedom of conscience. In addition to being editor of the American Sentinel, he published several books on history and prophecy.